Bedah buku psikologi pendidikan
Bedah buku psikologi pendidikan

Setia Rini, M.Pd who guides the writer patiently. All of lecturers in STAIN Salatiga, especially Mrs. My brothers and sisters (Mas Iwan, Mbak Susi, Mbak Wik, Mas Mulis) who always motivate and support the writer to do the best. Thanks a lot for your praying and guidance. My beloved father and mother (Pak Rusydi and Ibu Siti Munawaroh) who always give spirit and inspiration, so that the writer can finish her study. “Today must be better than yesterday and Tomorrow must be better than today”ĭEDICATION This graduating paper dedicates to: 1. “Inna ma’al ‘usri yusron” (Verily, with every difficulty is relief) (Q.S Al Insyiroh verse 6)

bedah buku psikologi pendidikan

THE APPLICATION OF “IN THE NEWS” STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION (A Classroom Action Research in the Third Year Students of SMP Bumi Madania Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2012/ 2013)Ī Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) In English Department of Educational FacultyĮNGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA 2012

Bedah buku psikologi pendidikan